Depression and Fatality- A Peaceful Funeral

Depression and Fatality- A Peaceful Funeral
Depression, a condition that should not be ignored. Something that every third person is affected by, may be or may not be aware of. It’s okay to be depressed, because we cannot expect everyone to deal with a particular situation in a very effective manner. But what not okay is the fact that we lose the will to come out of it. People in the society also need to be considerate about this whole depressed thing. All a depressed person need is some encouragement and healthy routine. Labelling them ill or weak hearted is not the solution.
Role of Society
Just like cancer and TB are considered to be deadly diseases, depression can be indirectly fatal too. A person is so much affected by it that he/she is often prone to the suicidal thoughts, ultimately causing death. It is voluntary yet involuntary, like your body commands you in such a manner that you are left with no other alternative, not even thinking about friends or relatives. Severe depression is deadly because the person has repeated thoughts of suicide, as they see death only the solution of escaping the pain. But this is not true, there are always better and more effective ways to treat depression. It’s high time where we should detach the stigma attached to depression. Just like it is okay to visit a physician, it is absolutely fine to visit a psychiatrist as well. We should be more vocal and open about having discussions about chronic depression.Treatment of Depression
One way to identify depression is to analyse changes in the behavior. Loved ones can often help in this, noticing how a person is constantly isolating himself/herself, or how the diet pattern has changed, insomnia and so on. One should never ignore the warnings or symptoms that indicate depression. Best way to deal with depression is to reach out to that person and hear him out. Encouragement is the next step, where we can help the person to meditate, exercise, have a proper sleep and read good books. One cannot prevent the death, but can give 100% efforts to help out a person. Sometimes a person himself is not aware that he is drowning in the state of severe depression. And the next day we know that the person is no more.Depression and Death
But what if no matter how much we tried, still death occurs? Some actions are beyond our control. All we are left with is the sorrow, mourning and an unacceptable feeling of the person leaving you. Death is an inevitable and harsh truth of the life, at the end we all have to and should accept it. But losing a person over suicide is not every second person expects. When we lose a person over a chronic disease, to some degree we are happy that our loved one is not going to suffer from that pain anymore. Deaths by road accidents are tragic, but to know the fact that you lost your friend or a relative because he/she was depressed is plain absurd. But sometimes zoning out denial is the key to accept things, satisfied or not.How to have a Peaceful Funeral after a Depression Related Death?
Funeral is the last form of expression to bid adieu to your loved one. It’s not an easy task though to give a peaceful funeral after knowing that someone close to you has committed suicide and is no more. Depression because of a death is pretty common. The question arises how exactly to give a peaceful funeral? One cannot just dress according to the occasion and prepare for the things accordingly. Composure, acceptance, constant support is often required. There are many steps one needs to take care of for the burial or funeral services. There is a constant dilemma of which flowers to choose, where exactly to perform the ceremony or to choose a coffin. To choose a coffin, seriously? Just the other day you are talking to that person, having no clue he/she is depressed and the next day you lost him. And now you are out there buying a coffin for them. It’s not the most likely scenario one can imagine. But sometimes you cannot help it and have to grow from it.
The last thing one can do is to give a peaceful funeral, as hard as it becomes. Firstly, accept the things the way they are and know time is the best healer. Secondly, it’s okay to cry and seek for help and support. Some questions are unanswered but you cannot help it and instead channelize your emotions on how to give a peaceful funeral. It’s very important not to bottle up your feelings, all the emotions should be out of your system at one point. Some people are not comfortable in talking about this stuff, so one can always write about the same. Go and see a therapist as well, if the situation demands so. Because losing someone who is so dear and because of suicide is pretty heavy.